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Thursday, June 12, 2008

Kitty Update

In a previous post I spoke of finding three itty-bitty kitties by the railroad tracks. We went back last night -- or rather early this morning, at about 1:00 -- and they were still there, being as cute as ever. We managed to catch them, after nearly two hours of failed attempts, and brought them back home. My oh my, were they a handful! The little black one was quite skiddish and hissed every time we got too close. He even nipped and clawed a bit. The other two were very calm in temperament and rather inquisitive. One even managed to escape from the cage that we were keeping them in and put up quite the chase. She hid behind a bookcase in the front living room and then managed to dart to our other living room and shimmy behind the wood burning fireplace. It was extremely frightening.

I stayed up nearly the entire night with them, and slept (from about six to nine) on the living room floor in the main house. I would have liked to have been able to take them back into my room, but alas, I have two pups who wouldn't have been too happy about that. It was a long night, to say the least. We handed all three off today to a friend who is a certified Animal Planet rescuer and who has experience in fostering kitties. I miss them already, but I know they will find wonderfully loving homes.

I am nothing short of lethargic today, and I am feeling quite ill at that. I think I am done with rescuing kittens for a while, though it did bring me an indescribable joy to do something like this. I have a deep motherly instinct, and I feel the need to nurture every chance I get. I hope the kitties will be happy in time, though they are very scared and confused at this point. I completely love the fact that I am a crazy cat lady. It's kind of fun... and completely exhausting.

Time for little a cat nap? I think so. (haha! Get it? CAT nap? Oh boy, I crack myself up.)



Hannah Bee said...

Wow, you are a wonderful person to have brought home those kittens! And I am sure they will have loving homes. Animals are great.

Stephanie said...

thank you =) yea, they were too cute and i knew living between the railroad and street wouldn't be too good for them. they were a handful, but i love it anyway haha.

Wendy said...

Its great that you rescued the kittens. If more people were as kind hearted as you are, the world will be a better place.

Andy said...

I posted something new. I just wanted to inform you. check my blog and tell me what you think :)


terren said...

Aw I love kittens :) this is a cute story. and you are super nice for taking them all in!

Stephanie said...

Haha. Cuute!

Stephanie said...

thank you all so much. we actually just found an injured baby squirrel in the yard about five minutes ago. we're pretty positive one of the dog got to it =( but john is taking to the humane society as we speak. i swear i need to get my own animal planet show, there is always something going on. i just can't not help, lol. thank you all again =)

queengilda said...

did you stake them out long enough to make sure they didn't have a mother....? maybe she was just away looking for food.....?

if they were abandoned though, you did a really nice thing bringing them home!! :)

Stephanie said...

gilda- yes, we came back a few times on separate days and they were definitely alone. we did stake out waiting for quite a while, maybe three hours or so, i can assure you =) they are actually doing wonderful now by the way, the person we gave them to is finding them homes and says that they are completely lovable. i do miss the little guys though.

Anonymous said...

FYI all the kittens now have permanent homes. The first two kittens, which were rather calm and inquisitive, found homes right away leaving the little black one behind. There were quite a few people that came to look at her, but she wasn't the friendliest of felines. So after much adieu, the friend we originally dropped our furry friends off to decided she would keep her as her own. She still hisses and nips, but she now has a loving home of her own to do it in.